
  • How is Fault Determined in a Personal Injury Case?

    Jan 10, 2018

    We often think of an “accident” as a case of pure chance, which could not have been helped. In fact, many accidents are preventable. They are caused by negligence or carelessness by a specific person or company, not by mysterious forces beyond our control. In a personal injury case, determining legal responsibility for the injury – also known as “liability” or “fault” – can be complex. Answering this question, however, is essential to determining who...
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  • How to Stay Safe on the Roads This Holiday Season

    Dec 28, 2017

    The winter holidays are here, which means a great deal of driving for many Americans. You can help keep yourself and others safe on the roads by planning ahead for some of the most common holiday travel risks: “Winterize” Your Vehicle Early Bad weather can hit before you know it, so if you haven’t prepared your car for winter, put it on your to-do list. Checking tires and having them rotated, checking antifreeze and other...
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  • If I Am Partly At Fault For My Accident, Can I Still Sue?

    Dec 20, 2017

    After an accident, you may blame yourself. You may think back on what happened and say, “Yes, the other driver did X, but if I hadn’t been doing Y….” When you think you’re partly at fault for your accident, you may wonder whether or not you can still bring a lawsuit to seek compensation from the other driver. Here’s why you should speak with an experienced attorney to discuss your legal options: Fault is Complicated...
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  • How No-Fault Laws Help (And Hurt) Victims

    Dec 13, 2017

    Many states have“no-fault” auto insurance laws. In a no-fault state, the first line of compensation for both parties in a car accident is their own insurance policy, regardless of which driver’s negligence caused the accident. No-fault insurance laws have been a mixed bag for those injured in car accidents. While they make some parts of your case easier, they make others more difficult. Here’s what you need to know about the ways in which no-fault laws...
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  • Situations You Didn’t Know a Personal Injury Lawyer Can Help With

    Dec 6, 2017

    Many people are familiar with value a personal injury lawyer can provide after an accident or a case of negligence causes an injury. However, a personal injury attorney’s experience can help you in a far wider range of situations than just car accidents, slip and fall, or medical malpractice. Here are just a few of the situations in which an experienced lawyer may be able to help you determine what happened and secure the compensation...
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  • Safe Driving Tips for Holiday Travelers

    Nov 29, 2017

    Millions of Americans travel during the holidays, with many driving great distances to visit loved ones. Unfortunately, the increase in travel over holiday weekends also means an increase in the total number of serious car accidents. A lot of these accidents result in catastrophic injuries and fatalities. Here are some tips for staying safe while driving on the road this holiday season: Go to the gas station. Secure your pets. Pack water. Don’t text while...
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  • When to hire a personal injury lawyer

    Nov 15, 2017

    There are no rules or laws in place that dictate when or even if you should ever hire a personal injury lawyer. In actuality, the ultimate decision is yours, but common sense tends to land on the side of finding a lawyer and to do it as soon as possible following the accident or incident. If you have suffered an injury as the result of a car accident it is in your best interest to...
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  • What Is Premises Liability?

    Nov 8, 2017

    “Premises liability” refers to the legal responsibility of property owners to ensure that their property (premises) is safe for visitors. When a site visitor suffers an injury in an accident caused by an unsafe condition on the property, the results could be catastrophic: significant medical bills and rehabilitation expenses, lost wages due to missed time from work, and severe pain and suffering. Moreover, unless the property owner takes steps to fix the unsafe condition, more...
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  • What Is the Statute of Limitations for Filing a Personal Injury Claim?

    Nov 1, 2017

    If you were hurt in a car crash, or seriously injured in a slip & fall accident, you may be able to seek compensation by filing a personal injury claim. However, it is important to keep in mind that you will have a limited amount of time in which to file your claim and seek damages. If you fail to file your personal injury claim before the statute of limitations expires, you could lose the...
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  • 3 Tips for Shopping for a Safe Car

    Oct 25, 2017

    You decide that you want a safer car to drive, or maybe your child is ready to get behind the wheel, and you want them to learn to drive in a safe car. But what exactly makes a car safe? If you are looking to shop for a safe car, consider these three tips during your search. Big cars are usually safer than small cars When looking for a safe car, make sure to remember...
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