- What Should I Do After a Slip and Fall Accident at a Store?
Nov 30, 2020
At some point, mostly everyone will suffer a minor slip and fall at in their life. However, sometimes this slip and fall accidents can be extremely severe and difficult to deal with, especially if they occurred on public property. Find out what your options are for compensation below. With the holiday season firmly upon us, many people will be visiting their local mall and grocery store for last minute gifts and treats. High traffic areas...Read More - What is the Statute Of Limitations On Filing A Personal Injury Claim In New Jersey?
Nov 11, 2020
If you have been involved in an accident where you sustained an injury as a result of someone else’s negligence, you’re probably thinking of filing a lawsuit in New Jersey’s civil court system. The longer you wait to file a claim, the less likely it’ll be that you’ll get the compensation you deserve. It is important to comply with the statute of limitations with this type of case. Is There A Time Limit On Personal...Read More - Top 4 Questions Our Firm Gets Asked About Car Accidents
Oct 30, 2020
You might not realize how many questions can arise regarding a car accident, until you are considering how to navigate your own. In this guide, we have compiled the most commonly asked questions regarding New Jersey car accidents. Here are a few of the top: What Are New Jersey Auto Accident Laws? The state of New Jersey is a no-fault auto insurance state. This means that regardless of who is responsible when an auto accident...Read More - Halloween is One of the Scariest Nights to be a Pedestrian
Oct 22, 2020
Halloween night brings out hundreds of thousands of children, walking from door to door, and neighborhood to neighborhood. While many children look forward to Halloween night, it can be one of the most dangerous nights for pedestrian accidents. In fact, the number of pedestrian accidents increases by up to 40%. Factors Contributing to Pedestrian Accidents on Halloween Night There are many factors that lead to an increase in pedestrian accidents on Halloween night, including:...Read More - Don’t Make These 14 Common Mistakes During Your Personal Injury Case
Sep 28, 2020
There are certain things that you should avoid when navigating a personal injury claim. Here are a few of the most common: Accepting the First Settlement Offer Receiving any offer of compensation following an injury is tempting, especially if you have been unable to work. But, settling too soon often does not give you enough time to build your case and demonstrate your full losses. Not Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer Not hiring a...Read More - How Can I Write a Winning Demand Letter?
Sep 8, 2020
A demand letter is one of the most important resources used in a personal injury case. The letter lists the details of the accident as well as the total of your damages. The purpose of the letter is to demand a specific amount of compensation. A demand letter includes the following: Details of your injury Details of the accident Reason why the individual is responsible Lost wages or benefits Other damages The demand letter is...Read More - How a Wrongful Death Lawsuit Works in New Jersey
Aug 20, 2020
Navigating a wrongful death lawsuit can feel incredibly overwhelming. Not only do you have to deal with the loss of your loved one, but you are also forced to navigate New Jersey’s legal system. If you are looking for information on wrongful death claims, it is also likely that you believe that someone else was to blame for their death, which can be even more difficult to manage. Understanding the details and requirements of a...Read More - What Kinds of Evidence Do I Need in My Car Accident Case?
Jul 29, 2020
After a car accident, you’re going to have a lot of questions. One of the most commonly asked questions is what kind of evidence you’ll need in order to move forward with your claim. It’s important to collect as much information as you can about when and where the accident happened because the more information you have, the easier it will be to prove fault and collect a settlement in your favor. Below, we take...Read More - What Can I Expect in my Car Accident Case?
Jul 6, 2020
For many people, choosing to move forward with a personal injury claim is a new experience. You’re going to have a slew of questions about what to expect during the process, how long it’ll be and of course, what kind of outcome you can expect. At the Law Offices of Richard A. Stoloff, we’re here to help guide you through the process so that your questions are answered at every turn. Below, we provide a...Read More - Paralysis After Motorcycle Accident
Jun 30, 2020
You never expect a joyous motorcycle ride to turn into a life-changing, painful and costly moment. Unfortunately, the occurrence of motorcycle accidents tends to increase in the spring and summer months. Motorcycle accidents often lead to worse injuries than a traditional vehicle accident because of the lack of safety or protective equipment found on a motorcycle. Common Motorcycle Accident Injuries Motorcycle accidents can lead to all types of injuries, including: Broken bones Internal bleeding Traumatic...Read More