Blog: Personal Injury

  • Train Accident at Hoboken Terminal Causes More than 100 Injuries, One Death

    Oct 10, 2016

    Train Accident at Hoboken Terminal Authorities are investigating a The person who died in the train accident was Fabiola Bittar de Kroon, a 34-year-old Hoboken woman standing on the train platform when the train left the tracks. The NJ State Medical Examiner’s Office pronounced her dead a short time after the train crash. Sometime later, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie spoke with the media and said that the woman died after being struck by...
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  • Federal Safety Officials Order Mandatory Recall of Exploding Samsung Phones

    Sep 19, 2016

    After initially issuing a warning about the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 phone, federal safety officials have now ordered a mandatory recall of the phones. The recall was issued as a result of multiple reports of consumers being injured when their phones suddenly exploded. Lithium-ion batteries in the defective phones can explode when they overheat while being charged. Over the past month, there have been several reports of exploding Galaxy Note 7 devices in the United...
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